Crestwoods Tex The Dog Formerly Known As Prince
Joins His New Pack on January 10, 2010
"Crestwoods Tex The Dog Formerly Known As Prince" was born on June 9, 2009 and became a member of the Schuster family in January 2010.
Tex is a Blue and Tan Australian Terrier.
Tex's name was derived as follows: "Crestwoods" identifies and honors the breeder's kennel name. "Tex" is a very common dog name in Texas. During his first seven months of life he was called "Prince" while living with the breeder. Therefore, after Tex was renamed by his new owners, he was the dog that was formerly known as Prince.
Because he is an Australian Terrier, he loves to run, bite squeaky tennis balls, and jump on his family's laps. He and his new sister, Mindi, are getting along fine. Being a puppy, Tex has a lot of energy and sometimes annoys Mindi with his sniffing.
Tex is a very curious dog. He investigates everything including laptop computers. Tex's contribution to his story: "\-oi8"
Tex loves to receive e-mail. His e-mail address is
Be sure to visit both Tex's and Mindi's webpages often to follow their exploits!
Click here to see Tex and Mindi: The New Dynamic Duo
Twelve inches (12") of snow in Dallas? No problem for Tex. He was born in Green Bay, Wisconsin.